Camp Cody Soldiers Playing Baseball Deming, New Mexico - World War One |
The game between the Cubs and 34th division team was played in a high wind which kept the players digging sand from their eyes. There never was any danger of the army boys scoring, first base being the place decided on by the Cubs for the division boys to expire. The program in that respect was carried out perfectly, none of the army players ever getting to warm their feet on second. At no time during the game did it appear that the Cubs were forced to let themselves out.
Score by innings: ------------- R. H. E.
Cubs ............... 411 020 000 - 8 7 1
34th Division ....000 000 000 - 0 4 8
Chicago ...... Alexander, Killifer, Walker and 0�Farrel.
Camp Cody .... Sullivan, Denny, Wilson and Kennedy.
Acknowledgements: I wish to express my sincere appreciation to Don Williamson, Johnny Green, Bruce Barnaby and C. A. Gustafson for donating
these scanned photographs. Thank you very much Don, Johnny, Bruce and Gustafson for sharing these pictures with everyone and for helping me
to preserve the history of Camp Cody. - - (I do not own any of the actual Photographs or items on this Camp Cody Web site.)